Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thomas Cynor for McHenry County State's Attorney 2008 - We need to rehab the McHenry county judicial system

November 2008 should be a time for change. This year we should show our support and have faith in Thomas Cynor as the new McHenry County State's Attorney.

Lou Bianchi has destroyed our judicial system in McHenry County. He has corrupted our court judge's, falsified trial evidence and strong hold the community. Lou Bianchi continues to misuse taxpayer money.

Lou Bianchi had expense about $60,000 in reimbursements since he took office. This included many meals and travel.... eating and playing on our tax dollars just isn't right. Again, Lou Bianchi is mixing political campaigning with official business. Lou Bianchi's booth at the Crystal Lake Expo is another example. Lou Bianchi cannot mix official community outreach efforts and political campaigning. If he used taxpayer money and we all know that he did, it is a violation of the Illinois Election Interference Act.

Lou Bianchi taking thousands of dollars from various (bribes) county contractors and other special interests.

Source: Citizens for Cynor

Illinois State Board of Elections records reveal that Cynor’s opponent, Louis Bianchi (R-Crystal Lake, Illinois) however, has accepted thousands of dollars from various county contractors and other special interests. Those same records indicate that Bianchi even went as far as accepting thousands of dollars from the very same contractors who where awarded a multimillion dollar deal to remodel the government center and Bianchi’s own governmental office. Cynor stated, “When you take money from government contractors and then those same contractors get multimillion dollar county contracts, eyebrows raise. The State’s Attorney is the people’s lawyer, they should never have reason to question the loyalty of their own legal representation. If Bianchi were called upon to represent the county in a contract dispute against his major political contributors, whose interests would he be representing?”

We need strong independent leadership for McHenry County’s future!

It is time for a change!

This November...........



Proud supporter of Thomas Cynor

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Elect Thomas Cynor for McHenry County State's Attorney 2008


Source Citizens for Cynor

WOODSTOCK IL. - The committee, Citizens for Cynor, announced a fundraising event today for McHenry County State’s Attorney Candidate, Thomas J. Cynor (D-Woodstock, Illinois). The event is scheduled for September 23, 2008 (7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.) at the Stage Left Café in downtown Woodstock. “The fund raising event is typical in most regards,” said campaign coordinator, Laura Asbury, “except for one very important detail. Mr. Cynor has pledged both privately and publically that he will not accept government contractor or vendor contributions – not now, not ever.”

Illinois State Board of Elections records reveal that Cynor’s opponent, Louis Bianchi (R-Crystal Lake, Illinois) however, has accepted thousands of dollars from various county contractors and other special interests. Those same records indicate that Bianchi even went as far as accepting thousands of dollars from the very same contractors who where awarded a multimillion dollar deal to remodel the government center and Bianchi’s own governmental office. Cynor stated, “When you take money from government contractors and then those same contractors get multimillion dollar county contracts, eyebrows raise. The State’s Attorney is the people’s lawyer, they should never have reason to question the loyalty of their own legal representation. If Bianchi were called upon to represent the county in a contract dispute against his major political contributors, whose interests would he be representing?”


Read more: Citizens for Cynor


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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vote For Tom Cynor, McHenry County States' Attorney


It is time to make a change in McHenry County,

It is time to get our judicial system back on track,

It is time to shift into high gear,

It is time to throw Lou Bianchi out on his rear!

Vote for Tom Cynor, our new McHenry County States' Attorney!


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Monday, March 24, 2008

Now opened, The McHenry County Message Board serving all of McHenry County

Please visit our new friends............

"We would like to welcome you to the McHenry County Message Board. This message board is for people to talk freely about their community, concerns, and any other topics of interest. The forum is divided into various areas, according to the town that you live in McHenry County. There are also various other areas and topics, for everyone to post in.

Please come by and check it out!"

McHenry County Message Boards

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Crystal Lake Tax Hike Passes, Will The Raise Help The City Or Create More Empty Spaces?

Link: McHenry County Message Board

Well, sorry to say all you CL resident’s out there, you will have to spend more of you hard earned dollars. The City of Crystal Lake is raising the sales tax to a whopping 7.75% as of July 1st! Why is the sales tax going up? The politicians’ pockets are empty! Seriously, here are some excuses:

  1. The Vulcan Lakes Project (What happened to the money that was set aside for this project long ago?)

  2. Senior Center

  3. Resurfacing city streets (Are we talking actually resurfacing or more Mickey Mouse fills?)

  4. Four new police officers and a community service officer (With or without mental problems?)

And a few others.

How about Crystal Lake’s current dilemma? I wonder how the stiff tax increase will help fill these voids? Take a look:

The old CL Walmart is supposed to house JCPenny. Just look at all these empty fronts. Downtown Crystal Lake is pretty bad. The Toy Connection is one of the latest shops to close. I know there are more empty spaces than this, it is all I had time to take pictures of.

I guess we will have to wait and see how the extra income will benefit the city. Will Vulcan Lakes ever be built? Will we all be driving on much smoother roads? Or, will we see CL officials spending taxpayer money on more lavish dinners, driving more expensive cars, and  building room additions to their homes?

In the mean time, if you are not happy about the tax increase, you can this take this man’s advise:  Mayor Aaron T. Shepley:

“People can shop at Super Walmart and Menard’s in Woodstock, if they want to.”

Right from the horse’s mouth. This goes to show how much he cares about the Crystal Lake residents.

Send inquires to the Complaint Department:

Add one of the following names in the subject line: 

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Crystal Lake To Raise Sale Tax


Link: McHenry County Message Board

Crystal Lake Tax Hike: The Vulcan Lakes Project Bad Idea, Conservation Area Instead

For over 7 years Crystal Lake's Vulcan Lake Project has gone nowhere. To help it along, the officials propose a sales tax increase to get the money needed to create this magnificent recreational area. Wasn't part of Vulcan's tax put aside to buy the land back? What happened to the money? Did Crystal Lake blow the money on something else? As far as I am concern, using the Vulcan Lakes Project as the city's escape goat to raise taxes is getting old. I say "Let go of the dream!"

The price of this project will probably hit near the 30 million dollar mark. That is 10 million more than originally estimated. Why waste that kind of money on a project that will be ruined by people anyway? Once you have the beach and the boats, the water will be polluted and the beach will not look any better than the one that is there now. In the end, Crystal Lake would take an area of beauty and turn it into a dump. I think Vulcan Lakes would serve the community better as a conservation area. "I Propose that McHenry County should buy the land." Not only that, there are enough empty stores in Crystal Lake as it is. There is also another factor: the economy. I am sure a place like this will cost the public something.... nothing is free.


Red = Hiking/Bike Path    Blue = Boat Launch

I would very much like to see a large hiking path around Vulcan Lakes and a boat launch (no motors allowed). Sure,  The Hollows does not allow boat motors (unless you are the Cary Fire District- those bozos sure messed up that lake with their drills!)

For 30 million dollars, Crystal Lake could put the money where it is really needed.
I know! How about here:

Crystal Lake Library

The library, for one, is too small. I have seen how many people visit the library on a daily basis, it is just not large enough. The librarians complain that there are too many inter-library loans. Well, the Crystal Lake Library does not have enough materials due to it's size and lack of funding. Even after the remodeling there is not that much of a difference.... maybe a little, but not a lot.


Friday, March 14, 2008

McHenry County Message Board


McHenry County Council of Governments, are they just wasting time and our tax money?

Just like Lou Bianchi, I feel our tax dollars continually are being missed used by the McHenry County Council of Governments. I am not claiming to be highly political suave, but I do not think we are getting any bang for our buck. Has anyone seen any good that has come out of this council? All I see are higher and higher taxes, higher utilities, very dumb ordnances and more police issues.

McHenry County Council of Governments

Mission Statement

The McHenry County Council of Governments is a cohesive network of governmental bodies who seek to foster cooperation between all levels of government.  The purpose of the McHenry County Council of Governments is to uphold and advocate principles of effective local government, facilitate solutions to regional issues and otherwise lessen the burdens of government.

What? What? What does this mean?

McHenry County Council of Governments is made up of all the mayors and village presidents. Most of them have a hard time running their own town or village. Do you think it is wise to trust in them to "uphold and advocate principles of effective local government, facilitate solutions to regional issues and otherwise lessen the burdens of government"?  How about applying your principles to the place you govern first? Let start off by cleaning up local law enforcement. When you have rogue cops, it should be your responsibility to make sure that they are let go and the appropriate action is taken against them. All I have seen for the last few years is they are forced to resign in good standing and with a good recommendation. Thus, moving on to another place causing the same problems, in turn going through the whole speigle again, resigning  in good standing and with a good recommendation. Could any of the government bodies explain this? If it is because of the "cost" to train a new officer? I'd rather go with cost than some wacko with a gun. Anytime you transfer your bad apples to another village, town or whatever, you put citizens at risk.

Here is something else to work on: city or village employment and work ethics. What is with hiring family, friends of family, friends of friends, etc? Money is being wasted here as well. I am tired of seeing five people at a work site. One guy sits in the truck, one guy digs (or whatever he is doing) and three guys stand and watch. Another one that comes to mind is the Mickey mouse street patches. Route 31 up to about Bull Valley Road is a joke. The street is so lumpy that it's best off being shut down and fixed right before people start losing tires or other vehicle parts. I do not know how many times they had the five man crew filling holes. It doesn't last, why not just fix it right and stop wasting money and resources?

This is just the beginning of a very long list.

If these mayors or village presidents cannot take care of things individually, how effective can they be when they get  together?


McHenry County Message Board


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Now opened, The McHenry County Message Board serving all of McHenry County

Please visit our new friends............

"We would like to welcome you to the McHenry County Message Board. This message board is for people to talk freely about their community, concerns, and any other topics of interest. The forum is divided into various areas, according to the town that you live in McHenry County. There are also various other areas and topics, for everyone to post in.

Please come by and check it out!"

McHenry County Message Boards

Friday, February 8, 2008

Judge Joseph Condon Knows Cops Were Wrongfully Accused, Bianchi And Owens Should Be Jailed Instead

Corruption is undermining justice which is denying the basic human right to a fair trial of the innocent.

I would like to congratulate Volstad and Pilati for their victory against a corrupted judicial system.
It is nice to see that even Judge Joseph Condon could not ignore the fact that Louis Bianchi and Nichole Owens tampered with crucial evidence in the case. There is nothing more incriminating than having two audios of the call to 911 and having them being different. Let’s not forget that William Kroncke handed over the remix. Also, he was probably responsible for the missing video tape that was taken from a gas station across the way that might have captured the whole thing. What video tape!? You will have to ask Nichole Owens about this one.

The way I see it, 90 days in jail and 2 years probation is much better than 5 years in prison. There lies the victory. Who knows, they might only serve half of that.

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