Friday, March 14, 2008

McHenry County Message Board


McHenry County Council of Governments, are they just wasting time and our tax money?

Just like Lou Bianchi, I feel our tax dollars continually are being missed used by the McHenry County Council of Governments. I am not claiming to be highly political suave, but I do not think we are getting any bang for our buck. Has anyone seen any good that has come out of this council? All I see are higher and higher taxes, higher utilities, very dumb ordnances and more police issues.

McHenry County Council of Governments

Mission Statement

The McHenry County Council of Governments is a cohesive network of governmental bodies who seek to foster cooperation between all levels of government.  The purpose of the McHenry County Council of Governments is to uphold and advocate principles of effective local government, facilitate solutions to regional issues and otherwise lessen the burdens of government.

What? What? What does this mean?

McHenry County Council of Governments is made up of all the mayors and village presidents. Most of them have a hard time running their own town or village. Do you think it is wise to trust in them to "uphold and advocate principles of effective local government, facilitate solutions to regional issues and otherwise lessen the burdens of government"?  How about applying your principles to the place you govern first? Let start off by cleaning up local law enforcement. When you have rogue cops, it should be your responsibility to make sure that they are let go and the appropriate action is taken against them. All I have seen for the last few years is they are forced to resign in good standing and with a good recommendation. Thus, moving on to another place causing the same problems, in turn going through the whole speigle again, resigning  in good standing and with a good recommendation. Could any of the government bodies explain this? If it is because of the "cost" to train a new officer? I'd rather go with cost than some wacko with a gun. Anytime you transfer your bad apples to another village, town or whatever, you put citizens at risk.

Here is something else to work on: city or village employment and work ethics. What is with hiring family, friends of family, friends of friends, etc? Money is being wasted here as well. I am tired of seeing five people at a work site. One guy sits in the truck, one guy digs (or whatever he is doing) and three guys stand and watch. Another one that comes to mind is the Mickey mouse street patches. Route 31 up to about Bull Valley Road is a joke. The street is so lumpy that it's best off being shut down and fixed right before people start losing tires or other vehicle parts. I do not know how many times they had the five man crew filling holes. It doesn't last, why not just fix it right and stop wasting money and resources?

This is just the beginning of a very long list.

If these mayors or village presidents cannot take care of things individually, how effective can they be when they get  together?


McHenry County Message Board