Link: McHenry County Message Board
Crystal Lake Tax Hike: The Vulcan Lakes Project Bad Idea, Conservation Area Instead
For over 7 years Crystal Lake's Vulcan Lake Project has gone nowhere. To help it along, the officials propose a sales tax increase to get the money needed to create this magnificent recreational area. Wasn't part of Vulcan's tax put aside to buy the land back? What happened to the money? Did Crystal Lake blow the money on something else? As far as I am concern, using the Vulcan Lakes Project as the city's escape goat to raise taxes is getting old. I say "Let go of the dream!"
The price of this project will probably hit near the 30 million dollar mark. That is 10 million more than originally estimated. Why waste that kind of money on a project that will be ruined by people anyway? Once you have the beach and the boats, the water will be polluted and the beach will not look any better than the one that is there now. In the end, Crystal Lake would take an area of beauty and turn it into a dump. I think Vulcan Lakes would serve the community better as a conservation area. "I Propose that McHenry County should buy the land." Not only that, there are enough empty stores in Crystal Lake as it is. There is also another factor: the economy. I am sure a place like this will cost the public something.... nothing is free.
Red = Hiking/Bike Path Blue = Boat Launch
I would very much like to see a large hiking path around Vulcan Lakes and a boat launch (no motors allowed). Sure, The Hollows does not allow boat motors (unless you are the Cary Fire District- those bozos sure messed up that lake with their drills!)
For 30 million dollars, Crystal Lake could put the money where it is really needed.
I know! How about here:
The library, for one, is too small. I have seen how many people visit the library on a daily basis, it is just not large enough. The librarians complain that there are too many inter-library loans. Well, the Crystal Lake Library does not have enough materials due to it's size and lack of funding. Even after the remodeling there is not that much of a difference.... maybe a little, but not a lot.