Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Elect Thomas Cynor for McHenry County State's Attorney 2008


Source Citizens for Cynor

WOODSTOCK IL. - The committee, Citizens for Cynor, announced a fundraising event today for McHenry County State’s Attorney Candidate, Thomas J. Cynor (D-Woodstock, Illinois). The event is scheduled for September 23, 2008 (7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.) at the Stage Left Café in downtown Woodstock. “The fund raising event is typical in most regards,” said campaign coordinator, Laura Asbury, “except for one very important detail. Mr. Cynor has pledged both privately and publically that he will not accept government contractor or vendor contributions – not now, not ever.”

Illinois State Board of Elections records reveal that Cynor’s opponent, Louis Bianchi (R-Crystal Lake, Illinois) however, has accepted thousands of dollars from various county contractors and other special interests. Those same records indicate that Bianchi even went as far as accepting thousands of dollars from the very same contractors who where awarded a multimillion dollar deal to remodel the government center and Bianchi’s own governmental office. Cynor stated, “When you take money from government contractors and then those same contractors get multimillion dollar county contracts, eyebrows raise. The State’s Attorney is the people’s lawyer, they should never have reason to question the loyalty of their own legal representation. If Bianchi were called upon to represent the county in a contract dispute against his major political contributors, whose interests would he be representing?”


Read more: Citizens for Cynor


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