Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Vote for Dan Regna, McHenry County States Attorney, Over Throw The Tyrant Lou Bianchi!

Vote for Dan Regna, McHenry County States Attorney


“Mr. Bianchi’s administration has been a failure. The state’s attorney’s office is in chaos, defeat and ruin.”

Lou Bianchi

* Anne Brophy: "She took a three-month humanitarian trip to Peru in 2006 as part of her military service. When she came back he punished her by demoting her to juvenile court attorney."
* Phil Reiman: "Did the same to him when he went I leave."
* Stole taxpayers money.
* He put more innocent people behind bars than actual criminals.
* Wasted taxpayers and the money of the innocent on cases that he knew that should have never gone to  trial.
* $17,000 of this taxpayer money was used for personal meals, gift certificates, candy and snacks.
* Since taking office in 2004, Bianchi’s office has received expense reimbursements for more than $24,000 and used petty cash to pay for more than $32,000 in additional expenses. He is a crook.
* Bianchi and his team often violate the rule but Bianchi and defense attorneys have denied wrongdoing and described the complaints as examples of maneuvering.

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