Sunday, January 20, 2008

State's Attorney Louis Bianchi Defending Baby Killer Lyndsey Tucker, Cannot Decide How To Do His Job

Vote for Dan Regna, McHenry County States Attorney

“Mr. Bianchi’s administration has been a failure. The state’s attorney’s office is in chaos, defeat and ruin.”

I cannot believe that Louis Bianchi has not filed any murder charges against Lyndsey Tucker for killing her baby. Is this the type of State's Attorney you want in McHenry County?  This is what I am trying to tell all of you. He does not prosecute actual criminals!!! This goes to show that he is defending a baby killer. He is not competent enough to hold office. How can the Northwest Herald support such a person?

Source Chicago Tribune

Death of baby born to mom on home detention is ruled homicide

Home-detained mom birthed infant who suffocated

| Tribune staff reporter

November 8, 2007

The death of a baby boy born to a woman who was under home detention on bank robbery charges was ruled a homicide by a McHenry County coroner's jury Wednesday.

The infant suffocated because a placental membrane covered his mouth and nose, which probably occurred during birth, according to testimony at a coroner's inquest.

Lyndsey Tucker, 25, apparently gave birth the morning of July 9, police said. Her baby was found in a bag in the bathroom of the apartment she shared with the baby's father just north of Harvard.

"Lyndsey admitted she had a baby but as far as what occurred in that bathroom ... she will not talk about it," said Detective William Umbenhower of the McHenry County sheriff's office.

The homicide ruling means the jury believed the death was caused by another person but does not indicate whether a crime was committed.

Tucker has not been charged in the death of her baby, but the case remains open, according to prosecutors.

The baby was born alive and had a great chance of surviving had the membrane been removed, said Deputy Coroner Paula Gallas.

"It's not very common in occurrence -- about 1 in 1,000 babies," Gallas said. "They are termed to be born with a veil."

Tucker is being held in the McHenry County Jail on federal charges in two February bank robberies in Lake in the Hills. After being notified of the baby's death, a judge revoked an order that allowed Tucker to be on home detention before her trial. Tucker had been on home detention since Feb. 16 at an apartment with her boyfriend, who was unaware that Tucker was pregnant, Gallas said. DNA tests concluded that he was the baby's father, authorities said.

The boyfriend called an ambulance July 9 after finding Tucker unconscious in the bathroom and bleeding. She was taken to Memorial Medical Center in Woodstock about 3:15 a.m., when doctors determined she had given birth.

"Where is it?" Umbenhower said the boyfriend asked the doctor.

The father returned to the apartment and found the baby in a brown plastic bag in a cabinet underneath the bathroom sink.

"He put it in a soft-sided cooler and took it to the hospital," Umbenhower testified.

In another case Wednesday, the county coroner's jury determined that a 7-year-old Crystal Lake girl was suffocated and that her mother then killed herself by standing in front of an approaching commuter train. Magdalene Kamysz, 28, died about 2 p.m. Aug. 28 after she was struck by a Crystal Lake-bound Metra train along the Union Pacific Northwest tracks in Cary, authorities said. Police believe she suffocated her child before she took her own life.

At 6 p.m. that day, McHenry County Deputy Coroner Robert Locke went to Kamysz's home in the 4500 block of Hanover Drive near Crystal Lake to notify family members about her death.

Locke found the body of Sydney Kamysz, 7, on a bed holding two stuffed animals.

"She had a comforter over her," Locke said Wednesday. "She was resting in a peaceful position."

The child had some bruising that suggested something was held over her with force, he said.

Kamysz was involved in legal proceedings filed by the girl's father, who was seeking visitation rights. The two were not married.

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The Northwest Herald Is An Unethical Newpaper, Louis Bianchi Is No Good For McHenry County, Vote For Dan Regna

Louis Bianchi is nothing but a snake. He has been a terrible State's Attorney. The Northwest Herald has portrays Louis Bianchi as some kind of "Hero" for convicting high profile cases. How many of those case had the evidence been tampered with? Hey Bianchi? Like the cops from the Fox Lake bar beating. It must of been nice to of  had a tempered recording. The Northwest Herald never mentioned that. Why? How about illegal wire taps? Boy did Bianchi waste a good sum of our tax dollars on unnecessary and illegal wire taps.... and got nothing!
The list goes on and on. Bianchi will find some other way to buy his candy and eat on our tax dollars.
Lets not forget that he seems to hate Army Reservists. You have to admit, he treats his people very poorly.
Louis Bianchi is bad for McHenry County. He has to resort to law breaking measures in order to get his convictions. Truly innocent people in McHenry County will never get a fair trial while Bianchi is in office. If you look at his cases, more criminals go free while innocent people go to prison.
One thing about the Northwest Herald, they will never print the truth. The county government has this paper wrapped around their finger. I bet they were some how forced or bribed into endorsing Bianchi.... which is unethical for a printed  newspaper to do.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Vote for Dan Regna, McHenry County States Attorney, Over Throw The Tyrant Lou Bianchi!

Vote for Dan Regna, McHenry County States Attorney


“Mr. Bianchi’s administration has been a failure. The state’s attorney’s office is in chaos, defeat and ruin.”

Lou Bianchi

* Anne Brophy: "She took a three-month humanitarian trip to Peru in 2006 as part of her military service. When she came back he punished her by demoting her to juvenile court attorney."
* Phil Reiman: "Did the same to him when he went I leave."
* Stole taxpayers money.
* He put more innocent people behind bars than actual criminals.
* Wasted taxpayers and the money of the innocent on cases that he knew that should have never gone to  trial.
* $17,000 of this taxpayer money was used for personal meals, gift certificates, candy and snacks.
* Since taking office in 2004, Bianchi’s office has received expense reimbursements for more than $24,000 and used petty cash to pay for more than $32,000 in additional expenses. He is a crook.
* Bianchi and his team often violate the rule but Bianchi and defense attorneys have denied wrongdoing and described the complaints as examples of maneuvering.

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