Cops And DUI’s:
Looks like the Marengo Police Department received some more bad publicity this week. Marengo Officer Courtney Miller was charged with a DUI, making her the third McHenry County law enforcement officer charged this month. She was driving in Rockford at 3am when stopped and apprehended. Marengo Chief, Les Kotke, of course, put her on PAID administrative leave instead of firing her. Of course, she was simply apprehended, not convicted yet. But it would be interesting to see what will happen if she is convicted. Will Marengo get rid of her?? Or will she be forced to resign and given a good reference like the other two Marengo cops, Crawford and Given?? Or will she simply take some sort of deal with the prosecutor and simply beat the DUI one way or another. In that case, we have a police officer who will now drive around while potentially being drunk on and off the job, have access to a gun on and off the job while being potentially drunk in the future. We have a real danger to society. The scary thing is it is happening again and again in McHenry County. Police officers and drinking just does not mix, on or off the job, because of their access to weapons. One also might wonder just what kinds of police officers are being hired in McHenry County. Those who are likely to drink?? Those who are unstable emotionally?? What kinds of incidents can this potentially lead to in the future?
Read the story: Another officer faces DUI