Our City Clerk, Theresa Hoschouer, has broken the law and yet has continued to serve in office. She and her husband, Steven M. Hoschover run the Marengo Convenience Mart on Rt. 176. They have hired an employee, whom they had paid in cash and did not report on their federal and state taxes. They are obligated to report him to workers compensation insurance, yet they did not do so, cheating the insurance company as well. These are federal and state laws that they broke. Also, the employee, who is young and attends the Moody Bible Institute, by accident sold some beer to a woman who looked well into her late 20's. The reason he did not ask for her ID is that several people of Mexican descent were in the store and were acting in a threatening manner and he was scared of them, so he just wanted to get the woman out of the store. It turned out to be a sting operation and he was fined $500, which he paid, and the store owners(our City Clerk) was also fined $500. Now, the employee continued to be employed at the Convenience Mart until this Christmas, which is when the store owners fired him for refusing to work on Christmas day, which is ALSO against state law. Upon firing him, they also held back $500 that they said he owed them for their part of the fine that they had to pay months back. That is blatantly illegal.
State Statue 56 il adm code 300 730 300 820 states that unless an agreement is signed an employer cannot take out any fines, missing money from the register, or anything that was broken in the store out of wages of an employee. However, don't forget, our City Clerk and her husband paid the employee mentioned in cash, not in legal wages. They have broken many laws and I have to say that many, many politicians lost their right to hold office or were thrown out of elections based on far less, such as not withholding taxes for a nanny or a gardener.
Theresa Hoschover is an ELECTED official who is sworn to uphold the law, yet she obviously thinks little about the laws she breaks in this town.
How many other people have they employed illegally?
Our City Clerk, Theressa A. Hoschouer works for us, and is paid a salary from our TAXPAYER DOLLARS, but apparently doesn't believe in paying taxes herself. She and her husband, Steven M. Hoschouer own and operate the Marengo Convenient Mart on 176, next to Rosati's Pizza. It's name portrays it to be a Convenient Mart, but it is merely a liquor store masquerading as a knock off 7-11 or White Hen. I would certainly make a fair guess that 95% plus of it's gross income is derived from alcohol sales. But is the true nature of the business all that our elected official, City Clerk Theressa Hoschouer and her husband Steve are hiding? Not by a long shot. You know those pesky taxes they we are all required to pay? And if you are an employer, all those additional taxes you are required to pay to both the State of IL and to the Federal Government? Well, apparently, the Hoschouer clan doesn't think they need to follow those laws like the rest of us do. They chose to lie to their employees, cheat the government, take an unfair advantage against their competitors, and just pay employees cash. Not to mention insurance fraud for failing to properly cover their employees with the required workers compensation insurance. Many a political offical, even on a national level has seen their political careers stumble into the abyss due to not following these exact same laws.
But it is not just state and federal tax withholding laws that have been broken. Isn't our nation under scrutiny to properly screen employees, and make them present valid proof of identification before they can work? Not if you apply at the Marengo Convenient Mart. Just show up, get paid in cash, do whatever the owners demand and life is good. More violations of federal laws by our City Clerk and her husband. One would think that for all the Marengo police officers that spend countless hours a day there drinking coffee and socializing, the owners would be a bit more law abiding, but apparently not. No need to. Not when clout is on your side.
Recently, The IL State Police conducted an underage alcohol purchase sting at the Convenient Mart, and an employee inadvertently sold alcohol to a 20 year old woman. Why did he fail to check her I.D? Because the two State Police Officers, Hispanic Males in their mid 20s, were shouting and yelling at the employee to be allowed to use the restroom when the woman walked in and purchased her bottle of wine. This was after the two wandered around the store for 10 minutes, and did nothing but glare at the employee. The cashier was distracted and nervous, actions caused by the IL State Police, who laughed about their charade as they arrested the cashier. The employee, a student at the Moody Bible Institute, was fined $500.00. Not only was he fined, but the owners, our City Clerk and her husband were also fined $500.00. The employee paid his $500.00 fine. The store owners? They lied to and strung out the employee, not paying him his salary, always having some excuse as to why they couldn't pay him. On December 24th, they asked the employee to work the entire day on Christmas. He explained to them that he was going to be working and active at his church the entire day on Christmas, and could not work it. They told him to come into work several days later. When he arrived, he was handed a note, stating that he was fired for not working on Christmas, and he would not be receiving any of his back pay because he sold alcohol to a minor several months ago. Again, these are clear cut violations of both federal and state laws being done in Marengo, by our City Clerk.
This city has a history of standing behind elected officials who commit crimes. Will our City Clerk be right there with them? Or is it about time we demand that our elected officials follow the same laws that the rest of us have to follow? Who regulates liquor licenses in our city? Isn't it done through the city clerks office?
The State of IL and The Federal Government have been made aware of the alleged crimes committed by Theressa and Steven Hoschouer. After they investigate them and deem the allegations valid, will our mayor and alderman take action against our city clerk? I really doubt it. If you are a "friend" to those in city hall, you can do no wrong. It seems to be the Marengo way. Let's wait and see.
Tags: Marengo Il, City of Marengo, Marengo City Clerk, Village of Marengo, Theresa Hoschouer, Marengo Convenience Mart, Crooked Politics, Politics, McHenry County Il, McHenry County, Steve Hoschouer
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Our City Clerk, Theresa Hoschouer, Owner of the Marengo Convenience Mart
Monday, November 5, 2007
McHenry Judge Condon Is Corrupted By Nichole Owens And Lou Bianchi, William Kroncke Had 911 Tape Was Altered
Illinois State Police William Kroncke corrupted the trail will tampered 911 tape.
The two former officers who were acting in self-defense during the February 2005 altercation outside KC's Cabin are found guilty of all charges after saving the life of Jessica Thelen. Defense lawyers agreed that the former officers jumped Hallett, but only to save the life of a woman they say he had taken hostage at knifepoint.
Ryan Hallett told the jury that he went to the bar already intoxicated and with the intent to go to the bar and start trouble with one of these offiers becauce of a friend. Ryan Hallett got what he deserved after taking a woman hostage. He could of killed her.
Not only that, these men did not get a fair trail due to Judge J Condon. There was a 911 tape that William Kroncke from the Il State Police had an altered copy made which was given as evidence. Judge Condon knew, and did nothing. Judge Condon should be arrested along with with William Kroncke and Nicole Owens. These people have broken the law and should loose their jobs. Judge Condon has proven that no one in McHenry County can have a fair trail, especially under him. How many other innocent people in McHenry County were found guilty by Judge Condon in which he had knowledge of "tampered evidence" and did nothing?
The Attorney General needs to look into this corruption.
Tags: Louis Bianchi, Nichole Owens, McHenry Prosecutor, McHenry County State's Attorney, Judge Condon, Police, Bad Cops, Police Abuse, Injustice, State Police, Illinois State Police, Illinois Bad Cops, McHenry County Judges, William Kroncke, McHenry County Judge, Lisa Madigan, Attorney General, Illinois Attorney General, Illinois, Police Brutality, William Kroncke Il State Police, Nichole Owens, Nichole P Owens, McHenry County Nichole Owens, Joseph Condon, Ryan Hallett
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Marengo Police Chief Les Kottke, Going Senile Or Just Plain Idiot? Allows Courtney Miller Back On The Job After A Drunk Driving Arrest
Is Marengo Police Chief Les Kottke mind being clouded by old age? Marengo has one of the worst police departments in Northern Illinois. City Hall is no better. Marengo will sure be know as the breeding hole for bad cops and politicians.
Marengo cop back to work
MARENGO -- Despite pending drunken driving charges, a police officer is back to work in Marengo, which some local police chiefs say they would not allow.
Courtney Miller appeared Tuesday in Winnebago County court on charges related to a February arrest in connection with driving under the influence of alcohol.
Miller, of Loves Park, was on paid leave from the Marengo Police Department after her arrest Feb. 6 in Rockford by Illinois State Police. She’s been back for a few weeks, Marengo Police Deputy Chief Joseph Hallman said.
Chief Les Kottke was unavailable for comment, and Carlos Arevalo, city attorney, declined to detail the decision to allow Miller to return.
“There was an investigation, the union was involved, and that culminated in the arrangement,” Arevalo said.
Winnebago County Judge Richard Lucas ruled in April that the suspension of Miller’s driving license was unfounded.
Arevalo said that finding left city officials to believe that the case won’t merit a conviction.
“It will play itself, and the case is going to go away, as simple as that,” he said.
Miller, 32, has pleaded not guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol, driving under the influence of alcohol with blood-alcohol content of more than 0.08 percent, and speeding 15 mph to 20 mph faster than the posted limit.
Law enforcement driving under the influence of alcohol has been, in the recent past, an issue for agencies throughout the county.
In Marengo, Arevalo explained, the police department considers each discipline case individually.
Jim Pasco, director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, said the organization hadn’t issued recommendations specific to DUI arrests and deemed all discipline “negotiable.”
While other local departments agreed that cases vary, some, including the McHenry County sheriff’s department and those in Fox River Grove and Algonquin, said they would not put an officer on duty before the criminal case had concluded.
In Crystal Lake and West Dundee, disciplinary action would probably, but not always, be taken after a case’s conclusion.
Algonquin Police Chief Russell Laine said for officers whose Breathalyzer tests register above a certain level, the department would seek unpaid leave and dismissal.
Harvard Chief of Police Dan Kazy-Gary said in his department, a DUI charge wouldn’t always prompt paid leave until the conclusion of a court case.
What’s next
Miller is expected to appear again in court July 20, when her attorney plans to argue that her arrest lacked probable cause.
The maximum penalties for a DUI conviction include losing one’s driver’s license for at least a year and up to $2,500, as well as land her behind bars for up to a year.
Arevalo wouldn’t say whether that would change her job status in Marengo.
Some area departments adhere more rigidly than others to court verdicts in deciding whether to keep an officer on staff.
In Algonquin, a DUI conviction would lead to termination, but acquittals could, too, Laine said.
McHenry County Sheriff Keith Nygren said he adhered to a similar principle.
“Chances are, they’re going to lose their job, which I guess is more than the average citizen pays,” he said. “Maybe we’re held to a higher standard. If you don’t like that, then don’t get in the business.”
Pasco pointed out that standard also can be unfair.
“Too often, there’s a presumption that police officers check their civil rights at the station door, and that’s just not true,” Pasco said.
Troy Wise had been a McHenry County assistant state’s attorney for about six months when he was fired Feb. 15, a day after his car collided with a utility pole and he was charged with DUI.
And Donald Anderson was working as a sheriff’s deputy on probationary terms when he crashed a squad car into a tree in January. Crystal Lake police responded to the scene and delayed filing DUI charges against Anderson until several days afterward after the Northwest Herald had filed a Freedom of Information request for related reports.
Appeared Here
Tags: Courtney Miller, Louis Bianchi, Nichole Owens, McHenry Prosecutor, McHenry County State's Attorney, Judge Condon, Marengo IL, Marengo, City of Marengo, Marengo Police, Police, Bad Cops, Police Abuse, Injustice, State Police, Illinois State Police, Illinois Bad Cops, McHenry County Judges, William Kroncke, Scott Crawford, Kelly Given, Don Lockhart, Donald Lockhart, Mayor of Marengo, McHenry County Judge, Lisa Madigan, Attorney General, Illinois Attorney General, Illinois, Police Brutality
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Bogus Disorderly Conduct Charges Dropped Against Teen Who Wrote Essay - Police Chief Ron Delelio And States' Attorney Louis Bianchi Are Both Morons
(CBS) WOODSTOCK, Ill. The disorderly conduct case against a high school student who wrote a disturbing essay has been dismissed.
Prosecutors said they dropped the charges partly because the teacher at Cary-Grove High School in McHenry County didn't want the case to continue.
As CBS 2's North Suburban Bureau Chief Katie McCall reports, Cary-Grove senior Allen Lee will now be able enlist with the U.S. Marine Corps in 5 months.
Just a month ago, his dream of becoming a marine was nearly shattered when he was charged with disorderly conduct for alleged threats he made in a school essay.
On Wednesday, the McHenry County State's Attorney’s office dropped the charges.
The essay included discussions of mass murder and sex with the dead, and warned a teacher not to be surprised if she inspired the first shooting at the high school.
Lee's teacher, Nora Capron, was alarmed by Lee's essay and called her department chair, who then spoke with Cary-Grove Principal Susan Popp.
Popp called police and signed the disorderly conduct complaint shortly afterward, prosecutors said, and Lee was arrested on April 24. The arrest jeopardized the straight-A student's dream to join the Marines and forced him out of school for a period of time. He has been back at school since May 4.
On Wednesday, the McHenry County state's attorney's office dropped the charges, saying Lee did not pose a threat to himself or others. He may now pursue his planned career in the Marine Corps.
Lee's lawyers said all along it was the assignment and not the student's words that were to blame.
Attorney Dane Loizzo said, “A little bit more care should be placed in the types of assignments that we are giving these children.”
In the assignment, students were told not to censor themselves. Lee addressed his teacher in his essay, saying not to be surprised if she inspired a school shooting.
“It would seem to me that the teacher would then put in there do not write anything that refers to sex drugs alcohol or violence,” attorney Tom Loizzo said.
McHenry County State’s Attorney said he decided to drop the charges, but still believes the school did the right thing. “Freedom of speech is not absolute,” he said.
Bianchi said had they not brought charges and a tragedy took place at the school, this would have been a very different story.
“It was always about safety his safety the teacher's safety the school's safety,” Bianchi said. "The arrest and charges were clearly warranted by the Cary Police Department. … The police were obligated in the circumstances to do whatever legally possible they could to ensure the safety of Mr. Lee the students and the school."
Lee has been back here at Cary Grove since May 4th and will graduate this Saturday with his class.
Appeared Here
Allen Lee's Essay
Blood sex and Booze. Drugs Drugs Drugs are fun. Stab, Stab, Stab, S...t...a...b..., poke. “So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone..., then had sex with the dead bodies. Will, not really, but it would be funny if I did.” Umm, yeah, what to wright about...... I’m leaving to join the Marines and I really don’t give a F*** about my academics, so why does the only class that’s complete Bull S***, happen to be the only required class...enough said. The model citizen would stay around to vote in new board member to change the 4 years of English policy, but no one really stays around to vote for that kind of local crap, so whoever gets there name on the Ballet with a pretty face gets to do what the F*** ever they want with local ordinance. A person is smart, but people are dumb selfish animals. We can’t make rules for ourselves so we vote others to do it for us, but we can’t even do that right, I meen seriously, Bush for President? And our other option was John Kerry who claimed to partake in Vietnam Special Forces missions that haven’t been declassified....F***ing Bull S***. So Power Flower Super Mario. Pudge, hook, rot, dismember “Fresh Meat.” Most new/young teachers are laid back, and cooperative with students as feedback and input into the curriculum and atmosphere. My current English teacher is a control freak intent on setting a gap between herself and her students like a 63 year old white male fortune 500 company CEO, and a illegal immigrant. If CG was a private catholic school I could understand, but wtf is her problem. And baking brownies and rice crispies does not make up for it, way to try and justify yourself as a good teacher while underhandidly looking for complements on your cooking. No quarrel on you qualifications as a writer, but as a teacher, don’t be surprised on inspiring the first cg shooting.
Tags: Louise Bianchi, Allen Lee, Ron Delelio, Cary Il, Cary High School, McHenry County, McHenry County States Attorney, Cary Grove
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Louis Bianchi Vindicates Marengo Police Department, Mayor Don Lockhart Should Be Satisfied
“This plea is a vindication of the Illinois State Police and the Marengo Police Department,” Bianchi said. “Everything they did was appropriate and legal.”
Tags: Marengo Illinois, Marengo Il Police, City of Marengo, Louis Bianchi, Nichole Owens, McHnery County, McHenry County States Attorney, Marengo Gazette, Marengo Illinois Police, Scott Crawford, Kelly Given, Round Lake Hts, Round Lake, Round Lake Police, Round Lake Hts Police
Monday, April 23, 2007
State's Attorney Louis Bianchi Admit's Wrong By Offering Sweet Deal To Guaghan Brothers, Gaughan Brothers Record Will Be Expunged Of All Charges, Civil Lawsuit Against Marengo Illinois Will Be Likely
After nearly three years McHenry County Prosecutors throw in the towel. Nichole Owens, the prosecutor who was going after the Gaughan brothers for aggravated battery of a police officer, criminal damage to government property, criminal trespass and filing a false police report, contacted the Gaughans' attorney last week and told them she did not wish to proceed with the case, and will drop all charges if the Gaughan brothers plead to a minor charge. The deal was if both brothers pleaded guilty to attempted disorderly conduct, which is a misdemeanor, that they fabricated the abuse allegations. Basically, there records will be expunged and the Gaughans were sentenced to one year of conditional discharge.
Of course Louis Bianchi said they had a very strong case. Louis Bianchi said. “It was so strong, it persuaded them to plead guilty.” It persuaded them to plead guilty? It must have been one of those moments. In a way that statements implies that the prosecutors are guilty of malicious prosecution. Think about it, this was a deal that no one would turn down. I did not see this one coming. I believe this was a way for the prosecutor to avoid being sued by the Gaughans, since they pled guilty. This also now makes the prosecutors look good in the media and for the up coming 2008 election for Louis Bianchi since the case was brought to a conclusion. I guess it was better to make the City of Marengo look bad then to look bad at election time.
This deal has paved the way for a strong civil lawsuit against the City of Marengo. Even though the brother plead guilty to this odd charge, it will make it hard for the City of Marengo to make their own defense since the brothers record will be wiped clean.
Congrats to the Gaughans’!!!
Tags: Marengo Illinois, Louis Bianchi, Nichole Owens, Marengo Police, City of Marengo, Police Abuse, State Police, McHenry County Illinois, McHenry County, McHnery County Prosecutor, States Attorney, McHenry County States Attorney, Scott Crawford, Kelly Given, Don Lockhart, Mayor Don Lockhart, Marengo Mayor
Monday, March 19, 2007
McHenry County Prosecutor Drops Charges Againt Shooter Jerry Sweat Of Marengo, Shooter Has Past Conviction Exposing His Sex Organs To 7 Year Old Girls At Glacial Park Conservation Area
The information below came from public records.
A lot of people have said that Jerry Sweat is an upstanding citizen and he could do no wrong. So, I went to the court house and looked up Jerry Sweat. To my surprise what I found. In July 1997, Jerry Sweat plead guilty to possession and masturbating in front of a group of 7 year old children at Glacial Park Conservation Area. It is said that he recklessly exposed his sex organs in a lewd manner with the intent to arouse his sexual desires. I came across another one but I believed it was changed to Disorderly Conduct. It is said… recklessly exposed his sex organs in a lewd manner and acted in such manner as to alarm and disturb (Jane Doe) and breach the peace. Jerry was ordered to 30 hours of community service which he did not do. He had to pay an additional $300, $10 for each hour not served.
Jerry also filed two false lawsuits and had a few lawsuits filed against him all within the last few years or so.
So I wonder how plausible Jerry’s story really is. There is still more to Glacial Park incident. It will surface soon.
So the question still stands, why would the McHenry County State’s Attorney want to drop charges against a person who has a history of getting into trouble, with the records to prove it, who shot a teen!!! I would bet that if Patrick’s last name was anything else other than Gaughan, Jerry Sweat would have been swinging by a rope. Lou Bianchi, Nichole Owens and their crew have failed to perform their duty. They failed to match bullets from the rifle and they failed to do a proper investigation. But, when it came to a dog that was shot by a person, they took every step and spent taxpayers’ money to get a conviction. This goes to show how Lou Bianchi values a person’s life just because of their last name.
Tags: Jerry Sweat, Lou Bianchi, Nichole Owens, McHenry Prosecutor, McHenry County Stat's Attorney, Judge Condon, Sex Abuse, Jerry P Sweat, Glacial Park Conservation Area
Marengo Teen Will Not Have A Fair Trial, Shooter Jerry Sweat Has Charges Dropped, Nichole Owens Lou Bianchi Continue To Maliciously Prosecute Brothers, Judge Condon
Marengo resident Jerry Sweat, the person who shot Marengo teenager Patrick Gaughan, has had the charges dropped against him. However, Jerry Sweat could still be charged at a later date which could be filed at a later date. Either way, Jerry is not in the clear. Dropping these charges is not a surprise. They would rather try to convict and jail a teen who has mistakenly tried to tee-pee a wrong residence then put a potential murderer behind bars. So let’s see…. 30 years in prison for Jerry Sweat or 3-5 years for Patrick Gaughan for potential breaking and entering and obstruction. Well, since it’s a Gaughan let’s screw him. The McHenry County State’s Attorneys Office has a vendetta with the Gaughan family since 2004 and it is no secret.
Here is something that is very interesting.
A Harvard man shot and killed his neighbor’s dog claiming self defense. The McHenry County State’s Attorney spent countless taxpayers’ money on forensic investigation. They studied the travel of the bullets, angles, distance, and etc. They convicted him with felony animal cruelty, which carried a potential maximum three-year prison sentence. He was ordered to two years of probation, pay a $2,000 fine and perform 50 hours of community service. Look at the extent the prosecutor went through to convict this person for shooting a dog. Why didn’t the prosecutor go though this much when it came to a person shooting another person? Why? The only thing that had been done was some questions asked by the Sheriffs Department when Patrick was lying in a hospital bed. They never even collected the bullets that came out of Patrick. WHAT!!! The McHenry County State’s Attorneys Office never bothered to contact the family. Again, why?
It’s because it is the Gaughans. The City of Marengo with their McHenry County connections have collaborated with each other and set out to tear this family apart over police abuse charges filed against Scott Crawford. I just cannot believe how people can be blinded by this corruption. Scott Crawford should have been fired and charges brought up against him. But thanks to the help of the McHenry County State’s Attorneys Office, found a way for him to still be a creditable witness against the Gaughans by resigning his position. I know that’s why Nichole and Lou were at the hearing. To make sure their witness was secured. The McHenry County State’s Attorneys probably did not figure that Kelly Given would do something so stupid. Kelly Given should have had charges brought up again her for stealing sealed juvenile records. But again, with the help from the prosecutors and the City of Marengo, no charges were filed. They had to secure that witness as well so she resigned. They knew that if anyone of them had charges against them they would not be a creditable witness. That is why they have temporally dropped the charges against Jerry Sweat.
You cannot imagine how much tax payer dollars went to maliciously prosecute this family. The Crawford issue will be going for a third year. I believe it all comes down to the prosecutor does not have squat against these boys. Their strategy is to financially destroy this family until they can claim victory.
This family will not EVER get a fair trial.
I cannot wait to see what the papers will print tomorrow.
Where is the Justice in this county?
Tags: Jerry Sweat, Nichole Owens, Lou Bianchi, McHenry County State's Attorney, Marengo Il, City of Marengo, Marengo Teen, Mchenry Prosecutor
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Cops And DUI’s
Cops And DUI’s:
Looks like the Marengo Police Department received some more bad publicity this week. Marengo Officer Courtney Miller was charged with a DUI, making her the third McHenry County law enforcement officer charged this month. She was driving in Rockford at 3am when stopped and apprehended. Marengo Chief, Les Kotke, of course, put her on PAID administrative leave instead of firing her. Of course, she was simply apprehended, not convicted yet. But it would be interesting to see what will happen if she is convicted. Will Marengo get rid of her?? Or will she be forced to resign and given a good reference like the other two Marengo cops, Crawford and Given?? Or will she simply take some sort of deal with the prosecutor and simply beat the DUI one way or another. In that case, we have a police officer who will now drive around while potentially being drunk on and off the job, have access to a gun on and off the job while being potentially drunk in the future. We have a real danger to society. The scary thing is it is happening again and again in McHenry County. Police officers and drinking just does not mix, on or off the job, because of their access to weapons. One also might wonder just what kinds of police officers are being hired in McHenry County. Those who are likely to drink?? Those who are unstable emotionally?? What kinds of incidents can this potentially lead to in the future?
Read the story: Another officer faces DUI