Saturday, December 9, 2006

Jerry P Sweat Shoots Marengo Teen

Jerry P Sweat, No Hero, Just Psycho

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Mr. Sweat from Marengo Illinois, I noticed, had been enjoying a lot of support. People think that it is all right for Mr. Sweat to shoot to kill two young men, both 18 years of age, who were passing through his property on the way to tepee a friend’s house. Mr. Sweat originally told the police who arrested him that the reason he shot one of the men was because he thought he was one of the people he had a dispute with, since he had many enemies.
So, what did he do? He emptied a whole clip of his .22, saw he hit “the enemy” in question, then he went back to bed without so much as calling the police. This is the story he gave the police when he was first arrested. Later on, he thought of a better story, and decided that the kids whom he shot were going to break into his unlocked car. However, nothing was stolen out of the car and the two kids dropped rolls of toilet paper on the way out of his yard while fleeing. So, it seems unlikely to me that someone would go drive to steal things from someone’s car while carrying rolls of toilet paper with them. Would be rather inconvenient, wouldn’t you think?
Mr. Sweat is a coward. He shot a person who was fleeing in the back. He is cold blooded. After he was done, he went right back to bed, not even caring for the welfare of the person he shot.
Now, what has happened afterward?
People have come out of the woodworks to make accusations of the victim. He was in the wrong place and the wrong time, so that is why he got shot. He deserved it. ALL of his family are evil, they don’t deserve people’s respect. I have noticed that people do not care about the damage they cause, spreading false information, making false assumptions, or just talking garbage. Why?
Because it is not them. By attacking someone else, someone whom they can hold as example, they then can then feel good about themselves. They can assure themselves that their own kids would never cross someone’s yard in the middle of the night, or argue with someone at the carnival, so it would never happen to them. It can’t. It only happens to the Gaughans. Therefore, it must be their fault.
To me, this kind of thinking is evil. It can cause immeasurable harm, and in fact is doing just that, to the Gaughan kids, to their family. Rather than making yourselves look good by accusing someone else, sometimes it might be better to mind your own business.