Corruption is undermining justice which is denying the basic human right to a fair trial of the innocent.
I would like to congratulate Volstad and Pilati for their victory against a corrupted judicial system.
It is nice to see that even Judge Joseph Condon could not ignore the fact that Louis Bianchi and Nichole Owens tampered with crucial evidence in the case. There is nothing more incriminating than having two audios of the call to 911 and having them being different. Let’s not forget that William Kroncke handed over the remix. Also, he was probably responsible for the missing video tape that was taken from a gas station across the way that might have captured the whole thing. What video tape!? You will have to ask Nichole Owens about this one.
The way I see it, 90 days in jail and 2 years probation is much better than 5 years in prison. There lies the victory. Who knows, they might only serve half of that.
Tags: Judge Joseph Condon, Louis Bianchi, Nichole Owens, William Kroncke, Volstad, Pilati, McHEnry County, Fox Lake, Fox Lake Bar, Justice, Judicial System, McHenry County Illinois, McHenry County States Attorney, States Attorney, Lou Bianchi
Friday, February 8, 2008
Judge Joseph Condon Knows Cops Were Wrongfully Accused, Bianchi And Owens Should Be Jailed Instead
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Again, we can look forward to another 4 years of Louis Bianchi’s corruption of the McHenry County Justice System. Face it people, he is nothing but lights, mirrors, and a whole bunch of smoke. His dishonesty is his character, lying, cheating, and stealing. He has damaged this county’s judicial system to such extent that there was only one other candidate who was willing to step up to the challenge to make the system righteous again.
It is sad that most people in McHenry County read and believe what the Northwest Herald prints. Unfortunately, it is the only local news source for our area. I do not know how long they have been established, but to me they do not seem to have any notion to what their purpose is. They never print the truth, they just bend until it sounds good. Just like Louise Bianchi, the NWH is nothing but lights, mirrors, and a whole bunch of smoke. The NWH definitely has no moral value at all, their article comments reflect that.
The NWH is unethical in their practices and fold under the pressure of McHenry County Government. Again, it was displayed be endorsing a candidate. The NWH fooled the people by endorsing Louis Bianchi as the best candidate for States Attorney and confusing voters. I hope another 4 years of Louis Bianchi was worth whatever promises he made or any donation he threw at you to endorse him.
As our county grows, I will praise the day when another media source comes to town.
Tags: McHenry County, NWH, Louis Bianchi, McHenry County States Attorney, Lou Bianchi, Justice System, McHenry County Il, McHenry Judge, Northwest Herald, Dan Regna