Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our City Clerk, Theresa Hoschouer, Owner of the Marengo Convenience Mart

Our City Clerk, Theresa Hoschouer, has broken the law and yet has continued to serve in office. She and her husband, Steven M. Hoschover run the Marengo Convenience Mart on Rt. 176. They have hired an employee, whom they had paid in cash and did not report on their federal and state taxes. They are obligated to report him to workers compensation insurance, yet they did not do so, cheating the insurance company as well. These are federal and state laws that they broke. Also, the employee, who is young and attends the Moody Bible Institute, by accident sold some beer to a woman who looked well into her late 20's. The reason he did not ask for her ID is that several people of Mexican descent were in the store and were acting in a threatening manner and he was scared of them, so he just wanted to get the woman out of the store. It turned out to be a sting operation and he was fined $500, which he paid, and the store owners(our City Clerk) was also fined $500. Now, the employee continued to be employed at the Convenience Mart until this Christmas, which is when the store owners fired him for refusing to work on Christmas day, which is ALSO against state law. Upon firing him, they also held back $500 that they said he owed them for their part of the fine that they had to pay months back. That is blatantly illegal.

State Statue 56 il adm code 300 730 300 820 states that unless an agreement is signed an employer cannot take out any fines, missing money from the register, or anything that was broken in the store out of wages of an employee. However, don't forget, our City Clerk and her husband paid the employee mentioned in cash, not in legal wages. They have broken many laws and I have to say that many, many politicians lost their right to hold office or were thrown out of elections based on far less, such as not withholding taxes for a nanny or a gardener.

Theresa Hoschover is an ELECTED official who is sworn to uphold the law, yet she obviously thinks little about the laws she breaks in this town.

How many other people have they employed illegally?

Our City Clerk, Theressa A. Hoschouer works for us, and is paid a salary from our TAXPAYER DOLLARS, but apparently doesn't believe in paying taxes herself. She and her husband, Steven M. Hoschouer own and operate the Marengo Convenient Mart on 176, next to Rosati's Pizza. It's name portrays it to be a Convenient Mart, but it is merely a liquor store masquerading as a knock off 7-11 or White Hen. I would certainly make a fair guess that 95% plus of it's gross income is derived from alcohol sales. But is the true nature of the business all that our elected official, City Clerk Theressa Hoschouer and her husband Steve are hiding? Not by a long shot. You know those pesky taxes they we are all required to pay? And if you are an employer, all those additional taxes you are required to pay to both the State of IL and to the Federal Government? Well, apparently, the Hoschouer clan doesn't think they need to follow those laws like the rest of us do. They chose to lie to their employees, cheat the government, take an unfair advantage against their competitors, and just pay employees cash. Not to mention insurance fraud for failing to properly cover their employees with the required workers compensation insurance. Many a political offical, even on a national level has seen their political careers stumble into the abyss due to not following these exact same laws.

But it is not just state and federal tax withholding laws that have been broken. Isn't our nation under scrutiny to properly screen employees, and make them present valid proof of identification before they can work? Not if you apply at the Marengo Convenient Mart. Just show up, get paid in cash, do whatever the owners demand and life is good. More violations of federal laws by our City Clerk and her husband. One would think that for all the Marengo police officers that spend countless hours a day there drinking coffee and socializing, the owners would be a bit more law abiding, but apparently not. No need to. Not when clout is on your side.

Recently, The IL State Police conducted an underage alcohol purchase sting at the Convenient Mart, and an employee inadvertently sold alcohol to a 20 year old woman. Why did he fail to check her I.D? Because the two State Police Officers, Hispanic Males in their mid 20s, were shouting and yelling at the employee to be allowed to use the restroom when the woman walked in and purchased her bottle of wine. This was after the two wandered around the store for 10 minutes, and did nothing but glare at the employee. The cashier was distracted and nervous, actions caused by the IL State Police, who laughed about their charade as they arrested the cashier. The employee, a student at the Moody Bible Institute, was fined $500.00. Not only was he fined, but the owners, our City Clerk and her husband were also fined $500.00. The employee paid his $500.00 fine. The store owners? They lied to and strung out the employee, not paying him his salary, always having some excuse as to why they couldn't pay him. On December 24th, they asked the employee to work the entire day on Christmas. He explained to them that he was going to be working and active at his church the entire day on Christmas, and could not work it. They told him to come into work several days later. When he arrived, he was handed a note, stating that he was fired for not working on Christmas, and he would not be receiving any of his back pay because he sold alcohol to a minor several months ago. Again, these are clear cut violations of both federal and state laws being done in Marengo, by our City Clerk.

This city has a history of standing behind elected officials who commit crimes. Will our City Clerk be right there with them? Or is it about time we demand that our elected officials follow the same laws that the rest of us have to follow? Who regulates liquor licenses in our city? Isn't it done through the city clerks office?

The State of IL and The Federal Government have been made aware of the alleged crimes committed by Theressa and Steven Hoschouer. After they investigate them and deem the allegations valid, will our mayor and alderman take action against our city clerk? I really doubt it. If you are a "friend" to those in city hall, you can do no wrong. It seems to be the Marengo way. Let's wait and see.

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