Monday, November 5, 2007

McHenry Judge Condon Is Corrupted By Nichole Owens And Lou Bianchi, William Kroncke Had 911 Tape Was Altered

Illinois State Police William Kroncke corrupted the trail will tampered 911 tape.

The two former officers who were acting in self-defense during the February 2005 altercation outside KC's Cabin are found guilty of all charges after saving the life of Jessica Thelen. Defense lawyers agreed that the former officers jumped Hallett, but only to save the life of a woman they say he had taken hostage at knifepoint.
Ryan Hallett told the jury that he went to the bar already intoxicated and with the intent to go to the bar and start trouble with one of these offiers becauce of a friend. Ryan Hallett got what he deserved after taking a woman hostage. He could of killed her.
Not only that, these men did not get a fair trail due to Judge J Condon. There was a 911 tape that William Kroncke from the Il State Police had an altered copy made which was given as evidence. Judge Condon knew, and did nothing. Judge Condon should be arrested along with with William Kroncke and Nicole Owens. These people have broken the law and should loose their jobs. Judge Condon has proven that no one in McHenry County can have a fair trail, especially under him. How many other innocent people in McHenry County were found guilty by Judge Condon in which he had knowledge of "tampered evidence" and did nothing?
The Attorney General needs to look into this corruption.

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